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Jens Holgersen's huge castle from the late Middle Ages is the perfect location for this exciting & popular theme! During two days you can experience everything from armor testing, archery and knight school for sense and etiquette. For the little ones, we have the perfect practice of jousting skills. Plus medieval games and games! The…

Come and experience two days filled with historical food activities! What did the people of the late Middle Ages eat and drink in a place like Glimmingehus - and how did they cook it? In our atmospheric roastery - where food has been prepared for centuries - these fragrant experiences await you. Photo: Wikipedia, Public…

Come and experience two days filled with every imaginable aspect of textile from the Middle Ages! Try dyeing yarn, braiding ribbons, spinning wool and lots of other things!

Time for one of our absolute highlights of the year - three days of maximized middle ages! The fantastic medieval camp Living Glimmingehus returns and transports you to the end of the 15th century. Fascinating parts of medieval life are yours to discover - for example, life as a soldier, how people dressed, what they…



Do you enjoy the dramatic life of pirates? You do know that the man who had Glimmingehus built was a feared privateer on the Baltic Sea? That's why we let the theme days 26-27 July be all about pirates! In our workshop you can make everything needed for a washable pirate - flag, eyepatch and…

Jens Holgersen’s huge castle from the late Middle Ages is the perfect location for this exciting & popular theme! During two days you can experience everything from armor testing, archery and knight school for sense and etiquette. For the little ones, we have the perfect practice of jousting skills. Plus medieval games and games! The…

Welcome to the world of the medieval scribe! Write letters with a feather pen, learn to fold them and seal with wax, make a book owner tag that shows who you are, and make a miniature heart-shaped book! The theme  is included in regular admission, SEK 100 for adults, 0-18 years free. Welcome!