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The Attic

You are now at the very top of the castle in its impressive attic. There is a theory that there was originally no floor here and that the Shooting Loft below was open up to the rafters.

Glimmingehus has a late-gothic roof construction designed to accommodate a vaulted ceiling, a feature originating in France. Perhaps the most famous example is Notre Dame in Paris. An impressive feat of engineering was demanded to support a roof of such dimensions.

The castle initially had a longitudinal timber structure for this purpose, something that became more common during the Renaissance. While some of the rafters have been replaced with timber that has been dated to the eighteenth century, there are still original timbers dating back to the late fourteenth century. These have probably been repurposed from an earlier building on the same site. So, recycling is not a new phenomenon!

Click on the model to explore the attic!

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