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The castle from the outside

Welcome to Glimmingehus in Skåne, the best preserved medieval castle in the Nordic region! The foundation stone of the castle was laid in 1499, the year carved into the stone tablet above the entrance.

The castle was built as both a fortress and a private residence. It was intended to impress. It was also a demonstration of the wealth and power of its owner. One might say it was a late-medieval status symbol. At this time, Skåne was part of Denmark and the man who commissioned the castle was a Danish nobleman and councillor of state, Jens Holgersen Ulfstand. He had served the King as sheriff of the castle of Visborg in Visby, at a time when it was one of the most formidable fortresses anywhere in the Baltic region. Inspiration from Visby is obvious in the Glimmingehus’ architecture. Many of the ornamental limestone building elements were also obtained there. Archaeological excavations have revealed the luxurious lifestyle lived at Glimmingehus; artefacts imported from several European countries were on display in the castle.

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